Crystals can keep depression away. That’s no secret to those of us who use crystals every day, but it’s always nice to have medical studies support our experiences. And so I wanted to share.
A study by world-renown doctor, Dr. Norman Shealy (info below), shows that the use of crystals can have a huge impact on keeping depression away. Dr. Shealy conducted a wonderful study where he gave Quartz crystals to depression patients who had improved using his program. He gave the patients in the control group a piece of glass instead of a quartz crystal. The study was double-blind so the patients did not know they were receiving glass instead of a Quartz crystal and the nurses distributing the crystals also did not know they were handing out glass to patients. All patients were asked to wear their “crystals” around their neck for three months. Three months later, with no further treatment (not even anti-depressants), 70% of the patients who received the Quartz crystal remained out of depression. In stark contrast, only 26% of the patients who received glass remained out of depression.
This study shows what a wonderful tool crystals are for increasing emotional health. Crystals can bring emotional stability and increase happiness, while absorbing the negative energy and negative emotions in your system. This results in greater emotional balance and an increase in overall well-being.
The journal article on the study above is not free online, but here is a link to a page where the study is briefly documented:
Also, as promised here is some background info on the impressive Dr. Shealy:
Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D
Graduate of Duke University Medical School; Neurosurgical residency at Massachusetts General Hospital. Ph.D. from Saybrook Institute. President of Holos University Graduate Seminary. Founding President of American Holistic Medical Association. Board Certified in Neurosurgery, Pain Management, Holistic Medicine and Medical Psychotherapy.
In over 30,000 patients with chronic pain and depression, his success rate of 85% is unequaled.
Over the years, Dr. Shealy's intensive pain and stress management research has resulted in numerous pioneering treatments. He has acted as consultant to leaders in every specialty, including the personal physicians of President's Kennedy and Eisenhower.
Developer of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), Dorsal Column Stimulation, Biogenics, holder of six patents, developer of Five Sacred Rings, author of 290 publications and 21 books…. Founder of the first comprehensive pain and stress management clinic and the first doctoral program in Energy Medicine. ( )
And of course, if you would like to learn more about the healing power of crystals or browse through different custom-programmed crystal options, please visit:
Also please note that crystals are complementary medicine and not meant to replace traditional doctors, but rather complement them.