Saturday, January 1, 2011

Two Quick Manifesting Techniques for 2011

Happy New Year beautiful people!!!! :-D

And here's my little New Year's present: 2 quick, effective tips to help you manifest your dreams and desires in the new year.

1)Manifesting things you consider really big and important to you can become a bit challenging sometimes because the more important the thing is to you, the tougher it can be to detach. And detaching is an important step in the manifesting process. So to deal with this issue my friends and I like to trade manifestations.

Grab a friend and agree to spend just 5 minutes a day visualizing for each other. So 5 minutes during your day you visualize what she’s in the process of manifesting, as done. You see her/him having it and enjoying it. Your friend does the same for you. And your friend is able detach from the outcome a lot better than you are. The first time I did this, Lezlie and I exchanged manifestations on an index card. We wrote our manifestations as done on those cards and each put each other’s cards on our work desks, taking little breaks throughout the day to just say the affirmation for each other. I believe about a week later we both had what we intended to manifest.

2) Another little tip to help you stay on top of your visualizing (also a great tip if you’re intending to watch what you eat): tie your visualizations to your meals. You eat every day so you won’t go a day with visualization and you’ll be a lot more conscious of every time you put something in your mouth because you have to go into visualization mode. It’s fun. Basically during every meal/snack (any time you put food in your mouth), you pretend you already have what you’re intending to manifest. So if it’s being a millionaire, every time you eat, you visualize you are eating as a millionaire would. What bag is in the chair next to you? Who made your meal? What are you wearing? What do your surroundings look like? How do you feel? Or if you're intending to be in a happy, healthy relationship with your soul mate, during every meal visualize them next to you. What are you guys talking about? What does your soul mate like to eat? What are they into? What are they wearing? Visualize you’re making food for them too, etc. If you’re manifesting being thinner, what does a thin person eat? How does a thin person feel? What does a thin person value?

Get it? So basically every time food goes in your mouth, it’s your trigger to start pretending you already have what you are attracting to you at the very moment. It’s a very useful strategy and it also helps you get clear and specific.

**BONUS: Today is the perfect day to go all out on your gratitude practice. Sit down with a pen and paper and list EVERYTHING you're grateful for from 2010. Go month by month. This will help you kick off 2011 on a positive note, from a place of fulfillment and plentitude, and gratitude always puts you in receiving mode so you can receive what your heart's been asking for.

Enjoy! Happy 2011!!! May this year bring you more greatness than you can even imagine!

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